Delivered and Restored
Insights into why deliverance is needed
Strategies on how to maintain your deliverance.
Strategies on how to go through restoration.
Welcome to this first course on Deliverance and going through restoration. A person can experience deliverance which is the first step in being restored. Sometimes the restoration process is quick and sometimes it can be long. Enduring the process is essential in maintaining deliverance. Jesus came to restore mankind back to God, but he had to go through the process of the cross in order for his full deliverance to take place. He himself understands the importance of deliverance. He was delivered so that we will be made free. He paid a debt he did not owe, and I owe a debt I could not pay....the song says: "I needed someone to wash my sins away" This is why Jesus came and He completed the process and now we must accept Him as our personal Savior so that we can walk out our full deliverance that He paid for.
Your Instructor
Pastor Tina Mashushire is an Author, Missionary, and Pastor. She is the founder of Women in Progress ministries. She has been married for 26 years to Dr. Caleb Mashushire. Together they are Forward in Faith Pastors currently pastoring in the Midwest Region of the United States. Pastor Tina has traveled the world holding women and youth conferences. She acquired a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Ashford University and obtained an Associate’s degree in Biblical Studies at Christ for the Nations Institute. She is a mother of three children: Tendai, Vanessa and Caleb Jr. To view further teachings by Pastor Tina and many other powerful FIF Teachers go to: www.fifmi.org